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People like us never give up – If it’s not TRIESTE, it will be ITALY. #ItalyProtest

Some poetic words of Dagon Lorai on October 2021. Day in which the protests against the regime of the vaccine passport came from the depth of an unknown Italy, made by small and big cities of uncontrollable citizens. These people respect the word of the italian constitution, gave a lesson of understanding and presence to whom thought them in the storm.

Some poetic words of Dagon Lorai on October 2021. Day in which the protests against the regime of the vaccine passport came from the depth of an unknown Italy, made by small and big cities of uncontrollable citizens. These people respect the word of the italian constitution, gave a lesson of understanding and presence to whom thought them in the storm.

Video by Dagon Lorai
Song: L’inguine di Daphne – Ara rossa
Voice: Leonardo Rosi


IT87S0760103200000062388889 BIC/SWIFT: BPPIITRRXXX Banca: Poste italiane Spa A favore di: Eugenio Miccoli Causale: Donazione

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